Bible Study Fellowship
Calvary is a praying church. Each Wednesday evening at 6:30 we meet for Bible study and prayer. We are currently studying through the Minor Prophets, a series entitled "Major Truths in a Minor Key." We also share prayer requests and pray over them. This meeting is over at 7:30. A prayer chain is active when someone has an immediate need. Children's Ministries
There is Bible teaching on Sunday morning at 9:45 for children of all ages.
There is church for children. They worship with their parents in the auditorium until just before the sermon.
Kid's Night is held the second Friday of every month, from 6PM to 8PM. Kids from Pre-K to 5th grade enjoy these monthly activities with teaching, crafts, games, food and fun. "The Fire" is a monthy teen activity, held on the Thursday before Kid's night. We enjoy games, ministry, food and Bible studies.
Each summer we have a week of special Bible study, games, crafts, games, food and fun, called Vacation Bible School.
Calvary supports efforts throughout the world to win the lost to Christ. Our missionaries serve in China, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, the Philippines, Jamaica, Russia, Mexico, Laos, the Middle East and more.In addition, Calvary has a prayer interest in the ministries of other missionaries.
Sermons on Livestream
Current sermons by Pastor Josh can be heard at